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Download the current issue

Speakers Loft provide insights into the business of speaking. Some reports contain interviews, while others are more focused on generating data from available sources. In either case, they're filled to the brim with need-to-know for professional speakers. We suggest enjoying the first issue with a damn fine cup of coffee.

Speakers Loft releases new insights every month, leaving you with more free time to focus on the here and now.

We'll be in touch as soon as there is a new edition available.


Meet your new peers

Even with all the skills, and all the knowledge it can take years to build a career. That's why all members to Speakers loft are invited to join the community on Facebook. Here you'll meet other committed speakers, who are on the same journey you are.

We will do this together.

Need to know more?

Speakers Loft is a company devoted to bringing global speakers together. Too many speakers all over the world face the same problems, fights the same fights, and forget to celebrate that we're lucky enough, to have one of the best jobs in the world.

Let's share our passion, our best tips and toughest learnings. Together we can create a new generation of world-class speakers.

Read the Terms and Conditions here. Please note that your you will be converted to a paying member after the initial three months. You can cancel your membership at any time. If you have questions, reach out to Speakersloft.