Guest Contributor Guidelines

Contributing to Standing Oration

We’re very protective of the messaging that goes out to our users, and therefore, we ask that you read and follow these guidelines if you wish to contribute to our journal

We want to create a community and not a school. The goal for us is to let speakers know that they are part of something bigger and that their frustrations in their work are not theirs alone. For this reason, we use the metaphor of the bonfire: Standing oration is a place where speakers can sit down, get warm, and find new connections. We don't want this to feel like a school, with someone telling others what to do. Everyone here is smart enough to make it. 

The process for contributing is this: You write a piece, we rephrase it (to ensure consistency) and challenge your ideas, we both agree on the final product. Then we send it to all out subscribers (when we’re both happy). This little dance will make both parties stronger.

Contributions should be more than 500 words. We reserve the right to alter the text with our wording, links, and more. We will never publish anything in your name before it has been okayed by both parties.


No Link Baiting

Your contribution will be sent out to the subscribers of Standing Oration at You get full credit for the contribution, with a link to your Linkedin. A contributor cannot link to other of their resources (articles, books and what not). This rule exists to make sure that the content is in the newsletter, and that we do not waste people’s time and attention, by sending them pointless ‘teasers’ for other content.

You will not get full editorial freedom. We want a consistent tone of voice in the newsletter. 

No Affiliate Links.

All texts (our own included) should be written with the intent of helping other speakers, members or not. We do so by telling people not how they can overcome, but how we overcame struggles. Be brave in your storytelling.

This is the backstage. Here we don’t sell, so it is entirely irrelevant how many talks you have given, how often you are booked. We want to hear the experiences of the person, not the professional. Take off your cool.

Reach out to [email protected] for more info!

We hope to see you on our pages!
